DATASHEETS Data Sheet Retrieval National Geodetic Survey, Retrieval Date = APRIL 2, 2020 GR1791 *********************************************************************** GR1791 DESIGNATION - GARNET GR1791 PID - GR1791 GR1791 STATE/COUNTY- NV/CLARK GR1791 COUNTRY - US GR1791 USGS QUAD - DRY LAKE SE (2018) GR1791 GR1791 *CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL GR1791 ______________________________________________________________________ GR1791* NAD 83(1994) POSITION- 36 21 13.25778(N) 114 51 51.15372(W) ADJUSTED GR1791* NAVD 88 ORTHO HEIGHT - 1056.5 (meters) 3466. (feet) VERTCON GR1791 ______________________________________________________________________ GR1791 GEOID HEIGHT - -27.358 (meters) GEOID18 GR1791 LAPLACE CORR - 0.59 (seconds) DEFLEC18 GR1791 HORZ ORDER - THIRD GR1791 GR1791.The horizontal coordinates were established by classical geodetic methods GR1791.and adjusted by the National Geodetic Survey in June 1998. GR1791. GR1791.The NAVD 88 height was computed by applying the VERTCON shift value to GR1791.the NGVD 29 height (displayed under SUPERSEDED SURVEY CONTROL.) GR1791 GR1791.Significant digits in the geoid height do not necessarily reflect accuracy. GR1791.GEOID18 height accuracy estimate available here. GR1791 GR1791.Click photographs - Photos may exist for this station. GR1791 GR1791.The Laplace correction was computed from DEFLEC18 derived deflections. GR1791 GR1791. The following values were computed from the NAD 83(1994) position. GR1791 GR1791; North East Units Scale Factor Converg. GR1791;SPC NV E - 8,178,152.090 264,542.167 MT 0.99995131 +0 25 34.6 GR1791;SPC NV E -26,831,153.98 867,918.76 sFT 0.99995131 +0 25 34.6 GR1791;UTM 11 - 4,025,296.081 691,643.849 MT 1.00005253 +1 15 59.1 GR1791 GR1791! - Elev Factor x Scale Factor = Combined Factor GR1791!SPC NV E - 0.99983850 x 0.99995131 = 0.99978982 GR1791!UTM 11 - 0.99983850 x 1.00005253 = 0.99989102 GR1791 GR1791: Primary Azimuth Mark Grid Az GR1791:SPC NV E - DIKE 266 12 02.3 GR1791:UTM 11 - DIKE 265 21 37.8 GR1791 GR1791_U.S. NATIONAL GRID SPATIAL ADDRESS: 11SPA9164325296(NAD 83) GR1791 GR1791|---------------------------------------------------------------------| GR1791| PID Reference Object Distance Geod. Az | GR1791| dddmmss.s | GR1791| GR1883 LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BCN 28 APPROX.10.8 KM 0150010.4 | GR1791| GR1878 AIRWAY BEACON USA 2 APPROX.17.6 KM 2151519.4 | GR1791| GR1787 DIKE APPROX.12.0 KM 2663736.9 | GR1791|---------------------------------------------------------------------| GR1791 GR1791 SUPERSEDED SURVEY CONTROL GR1791 GR1791 NAD 83(1994)- 36 21 13.25836(N) 114 51 51.15471(W) AD( ) 3 GR1791 NAD 83(1992)- 36 21 13.25728(N) 114 51 51.15443(W) AD( ) 3 GR1791 NAD 83(1992)- 36 21 13.25848(N) 114 51 51.15594(W) AD( ) 3 GR1791 NAD 83(1986)- 36 21 13.24485(N) 114 51 51.14491(W) AD( ) 3 GR1791 NGVD 29 (05/01/88) 1055.8 (m) 3464. (f) VERT ANG GR1791 GR1791.Superseded values are not recommended for survey control. GR1791 GR1791.NGS no longer adjusts projects to the NAD 27 or NGVD 29 datums. GR1791.See file dsdata.pdf to determine how the superseded data were derived. GR1791 GR1791_MARKER: DB = BENCH MARK DISK GR1791_SETTING: 65 = SET IN UNSPECIFIED ROCK OR BOULDER GR1791_STAMPING: GARNET 1951 GR1791_MARK LOGO: USGS GR1791_STABILITY: B = PROBABLY HOLD POSITION/ELEVATION WELL GR1791 GR1791 HISTORY - Date Condition Report By GR1791 HISTORY - 1951 MONUMENTED USGS GR1791 GR1791 STATION DESCRIPTION GR1791 GR1791'DESCRIBED BY US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1951 GR1791'LOCATED ABOUT 23 MI NE. OF LAS VEGAS, 3 MI S. OF GARNET. ON GR1791'HIGHEST POINT AT SOUTH END OF FIRST RANGE OF HLLLS, S. OF LARGE GR1791'DRY LAKE. GR1791'TO REACH BY HELICOPTER FROM TOWN OF DRY LAKE, FLY S. TO SOUTH END GR1791'OF RANGE OF HILLS. LAND ON HIGHEST POINT OF HIGHEST HILLTOP AT GR1791'STATION. GR1791'STATION MARK--STANDARD TABLET STAMPED---GARNET 1951---, CEMENTED IN GR1791'CREVICE BETWEEN ROCKS. GR1791'RM 1--STANDARD RM TABLET STAMPED---1---, SET IN ROCK OUTCROP. GR1791'RM 2--STANDARD RM TABLET STAMPED---2---, CEMENTED IN ROCK OUTCROP.